In a financial emergency many people wonder what their options might be to get through such difficult times. New York City pawn shops, like Modell Collateral Loans, have been a safe haven for many people by getting them the quick cash they need when money runs short. Whether you are experiencing a medical emergency, unexpected home or car repairs or any other emergency you can get the cash you need from a pawn shop.
Pawn loans are obtained using valuable collateral such as diamond jewelry, gold, platinum jewelry or any valuable estate jewelry. The process is very simple. You bring your item to a New York City pawnbroker for appraisal. The pawnbroker will offer you a loan amount – feel free to negotiate. Once negotiations are finished you sign the right paperwork and leave that day with the cash you need. Unlike traditional loans there are no credit checks and no waiting to find out whether or not your loan will even be approved. Pawn loans are the simplest way for New Yorkers to get emergency funds on the spot. If you find yourself in a tight spot and you need money right away take inventory of your valuables and visit a New York City pawn shop.